Here are easy and quick tricks for remembering some spellings. Once you go through these, you'll automatically remember most of them. To permanently remember them, you can come back and revise once or twice more. My best wishes for you.
principle, principal - A principle is a rule. Notice that both the words "principle" and the word "rule" have the letter "e". The principal in a college is the main person there.
stationary, stationery - You write on stationery. Or, stationery uses envelopes. Notice the letter "e".
arithmetic - Use this sentence: A Rat In The House May Eat The Ice Cream. The first letter of each word in this sentence makes the spelling ARITHMETIC.
believe - Believe has a "lie" in it.
committee - MM, TT, and EE met in a committee.
conscience - Does science have a conscience.
desert - One "s" because it is so dry.dessert - Two "s" because it is so sweet.
separate - To spell separate, just remember that it contains "a rat".
cheque - Cheque comes in a "Q".
entrance - There is no "enter" in entrance. That is, the word "enter" is not within the word "entrance".