Thursday, June 19, 2008

Secrets from Linus Pauling (2-time Noble Prize Winner) Book "How to Live Longer and Feel Better"

"My most important recommendation is that you take vitamins every day in optimum amounts to supplement the vitamins that you receive in your food. These optimum amounts are much larger than the minimum supplemental intake usually recommended by physicians and old-fashioned nutritionists. The intake of vitamin C they advise, for example, is not much larger than that necessary to prevent the dietary-deficiency disease scurvy. My advice that you take larger amounts of C and other vitamins is predicted upon new and better understanding of the role of these nutrients "they are not drugs" in the chemical reactions of life. The usefulness of the larger supplemental intakes indicated by this understanding has been invariably confirmed by such clinical trials as have been run and by the first pioneering studies in the new epidemiology of health.

... young people, striving to find their places in the world, live under great stress.

... I have formed these beliefs on the basis of my knowledge of a great many observations about the effects of vitamins in varying amounts on animals and human beings under various conditions of good or poor health, ...


doggy steps
doggy steps